
Therapy at your home

When do I need a video consultation?

Physiotherapy is multifaceted. We can help you remotely with many of our specialties.

When is a video consultation an option?:

  • For neck and back pain, we can instruct and control specific exercises. In this way, you train adequately and qualitatively correctly.

  • Should I see a doctor, do I need further clarification or is physiotherapy exactly the right thing for me? To answer your questions, we will help you specifically with our physiotherapeutic know-how.

  • Residual complaints after sports injuries?what helps me to return to my sport as soon as possible (stretching and strengthening exercises, nutritional supplements, etc.)?

If you have any questions about your rehabilitation and healing processes, we will be happy to advise you and answer your questions.Since we are on the cutting edge of video telephony, so we actually come to your living room.

How does it work?

  1. Select the treatment "Book private treatment" , the therapist and a time.

  2. Log in, or sign up.

  3. You will receive by mail or by app Calit all the information.

  4. In preparation, test Google Chat on your device and test camera and your microphone in advance.

  5. This way we can guarantee you an optimal therapy.

Do you need help. We are happy to help you by phone: 044 862 06 41 or by mail.